Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday couch potato report

Good morning. Welcome to another week of unemployment. Funny thing, unemployment. Everyone asks me if I am loving the time off. Truth is, I freaking *HATE* it. I'm stressed about everything and bored to tears, all at the same time. Despite running almost daily and maintaining my break-neck house cleaning schedule, I'm having trouble filling the hours.

Thank goodness for the few deliciously bad TV shows that help me along in my endeavors.

The wonders of digital cable, HDTV, On-Demand, and DVR never cease. I recently found episodes of CSI: Miami on demand and in HD! I know its a cheeseball show, but I totally love it. Horatio Caine in HD! I swear, does he age? The show's been on for at least six seasons and he looks exactly the same. Strange...and yet amazing.

I'm still having trouble believing this is a real show, but the Animal Planet channel has taken a stab at the reality competition market with a gem called Groomer Has It. Yes, you read that right. Someone decided that a reality competition show about ANIMAL GROOMING was a good idea. Can you imagine the marketing pitch for that one? Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in that meeting...

Anyways, I have yet to watch a single episode, but from what I gather from the website, it's pretty much exactly like Project Runway, right down to the actual runway show where the groomers showcase their work....except, ya know, with dogs as their models. Absurd? Hells yes. Deliciously bad? Probably. I haven't been brave enough to give it a go. Maybe if I can find it On-Demand...

Even though the Sharks are out of the playoffs, a solid month of hockey still remains. Between dog grooming and Dancing With the Stars, I will need to watch as much hockey as humanly possible to remain sane.

I'm losin' it people. I swear...

1 comment:

Amisk8er said...

Enforcer, I'm gonna have to agree with you, unemployment is ODDLY not as cool as it sounds... You don't have a daily/weekly routine and don't know what to do with your time, and you're constantly feeling like you're SUPPOSED to be doing something with your time... meh... I guess following your desired sports league is not a bad start. GO MLS! :-/